Image: Courtesy of Parents Against Santa Susana Field Lab
The MAK Center for Art and Architecture is pleased to present a public presentation and discussion with Parents Against Santa Susana Field Lab and artist Katrin Hornek in the context of Half-Life at the Mackey Apartments Garage Top Gallery. Parents Against SSFL is a grassroots advocacy group working for the complete remediation of the Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL), the site of one of America’s worst nuclear accidents. The resulting effect is the contamination of the air and water, having a devastating impact on surrounding communities in and around Los Angeles. Katrin Hornek’s work investigates the environmental and social impacts of nuclear testing, detonations, and civilian use around the world. For Half-Life, Hornek illuminates the global repercussions of nuclear fallout and incorporates the local consequences of the Santa Susana Field Lab and its harmful impacts into her ongoing piece, testing grounds (A ghost that cannot be laid to rest).
September 12, 2024 — December 08, 2024