Installation view of Plan your visit. Photography by Mimi Teller, 2013.
Plan your visit was an exhibition exploring the complex interactions of tourism, tourist destinations and travelers. Set at a locale that is itself an international destination for Modernism aficionados, the historic Schindler House, the exhibition invited a group of artists, architects and writers to explore systems designed to activate a person’s experience of a particular locale.
Plan your visit operated from two such points in the Los Angeles County tourism network–the historic house and the cultural institution–to present a study of the tourist’s agency, complicities, and reactions, as a person who acts and is acted upon within the systemized production of self-discovery and local experience. Participants in the show had engaged the subject from a combination of three main positions: there were works about tourism, works that assume the viewer is tourist and then sought to complicate that viewership, and works that turn a viewer into a tourist to some other situation beyond the Schindler House.
in the exhibition
Kathrin Burmester worked with the archive of the MAK’s Artists and Architects-in-Residence program to consider the artist in residence as a traveler and foreigner actively engaged in the production of a site of cultural value.
Ryan Griffis offered documentation of his critical tours of Exposition Park and parking lots in two L.A. areas.
Rodrigo Marti used the Brazilian film Macunaima to frame a summer pool party with local DREAM Act activists.
Tucker Neel presented a link between L.A.’s architectural and noir history in a conspiracy theory that identified Schindler as the Black Dahlia killer. [Neel’s project was made available for free download through the MAK Center Bookstore].
John Southern expanded his ongoing “star maps” project on L.A.’s vertical history, with a study of a 1921 skyscraper design by R.M. Schindler.
Sonia Brenner and Maryam Hosseinzadeh’s project contrasted the Frank Lloyd Wright Hollyhock House with a neighboring strip mall.
The Cake and Eat It collective proposed contemporary versions of Pauline Schindler’s political meetings.
The Untitled Collective offered a stereoscopic history of installations at the Schindler House, as seen through its two most programmatically “saturated” areas.
The Art Book Review pulled the most referenced quotations of noted studies of L.A. and printed them on easy to consume postcards.
Jonathan Gold’s restaurant reviews were presented with Anne Fishbein’s photographs in place of exhibition didactics.
Curated by Anthony Carfello and Adam Peña
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